Donate Now

We cannot do the work of saving the lives of at-risk equines without you! We are an organization of dedicated volunteers who believe in the healing power of horse- human relationships. Donations go directly to the care, and rehabilitation of the animals we rescue or to increase accessibility of equine-facilitated therapy services. You may choose how your donation is applied when you get to the #4 Additional Information section of the payment form.


Horse Sponsorship

Sponsoring a therapy horse is a wonderful way to make a difference in the life of a horse and many humans!

Therapy horse sponsorship makes equine-facilitated therapies sustainable and financially accessible. Funds raised are utilized for the direct care and support of the animal.

As a sponsor, you receive recognition on our website, social media platforms, and promotional materials. You will also have the opportunity to visit our facility, meet your sponsored horse and witness the impact of your generosity.

Sponsor Now